Salt Lake International Airport

A Special Place

Dear Salt Lake International Airport,

I am certain you have no idea what a special place you are. No doubt many think you are extraordinary; but the depth of our relationship is far above the rest.

Even though we’re in a long distance relationship, you are a steady, constant presence in my life. I wouldn’t be where I am or the person I am without the experiences we’ve shared. I am forever indebted to you for allowing me to tie some of my heartstrings to you, right off of Exit 115B.

When we lived so far away from your welcoming embrace and were poor as church mice, I didn’t get to see you and missed your hospitality and fortitude. I always knew you watched for me, and I eagerly awaited our next encounter. Oh, the consideration you have poured out upon my children! This mama bear never worried for one second when any of the four were in your care. You gave sheltered passage to them as they headed out with their classmates to the east coast. My world-traveling daughter has moved quickly and confidently through your familiar, friendly corridors several times. You’ve made honeymoons possible for them! Do you remember when you brought our injured son home to us? Your caring staff allowed me to bypass security and meet him at the gate, and they were compassionate and willing to push his wheelchair out to your close, convenient and well-priced short-term parking lot. From this mom’s perspective, your crowning moment came when baby girl rounded the corner upstairs and began her descent on your trusty escalator, right into the arms of her teary eyed mama, overcome with joy. How many missionaries do you estimate you’ve brought home? Your accurate records will prove estimation unnecessary. No doubt you love each one as much as they all love you.

Recall with me the magnitude of the 2018 we shared, when we spent more time together than ever before. You stood firm, stately and silent as decades of anticipation unstitched my life’s perfect seams, exposing me to the core. My emotions ran the gamut, and I love you for not requiring me to repress the intensity of a single second. You let me feel skittish, jittery, wistful, melancholy, happy, restless, anxious and sanguine, all within a two hour wait for our flight to Albuquerque. My heart pounded so hard and fast, it could be heard over the hustle and bustle of your lobbies and halls, but in your secure and tenderhearted embrace, I knew I was safe to let all the feels take full sway. You made me the happiest person on earth that day. Two months passed and your life mission to unite people brought my sister, mom and I together for a remarkable weekend in Denver. Memories, giggles and learning more about each other, all due to your devotion and selflessness.

It is important for each of us to know who we are, and to know we matter. Please know of your exceptional worth and that you matter to me (and millions of others). Thank you for being my teacher, biggest fan and most hearty supporter all these years.
