Small but Mighty | SLC’s On-Site Sign Shop

With more than 26 million passengers passing through Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC) each year, it is essential for the airport to have accurate signage for navigation. The person behind the signage curtain is Cory Lyman. For over 14 years, Lyman has supervised the on-site sign shop at SLC.
“I want people to feel like the airport opened just for them. I want it to look brand new everyday,” Lyman remarked.
The sign shop at SLC is a small but mighty team. Lyman leads a team of four sign technicians, each with backgrounds in the sign industry and graphic design. Outfitted with several large-scale printers, an industrial-sized router and even an oven to mold and bend materials, the sign shop is tasked with supplying almost every sign a passenger sees in the airport.

From the large navigational signs that are mounted at the entrances to the identification stickers inside every authorized ground transportation vehicle, the sign shop stays busy. Not only are the sign shop specialists designing and printing their work, they are also installing the finished product. It’s not uncommon to see a sign technician placing internal and external wayfinding signs, mounting new gate or concession signs or out in the parking garage installing new rental car signs.
“I want our passengers to feel no stress when navigating the airport,” Lyman said. “I want them to have the highest quality experience.”
The sign shop’s work is critical to a high quality and safe experience at SLC, ensuring that all passengers can get where they need to go from the moment the enter the airport property to the moment they depart.