Rebuild Progress Gallery
Construction work on The New SLC is ongoing with Phases 3 and 4 currently underway. Photos are posted regularly to highlight the construction’s progress.
Building a new terminal adjacent to a functioning airport requires a complicated schedule of building and demolishing facilities. Construction crews demolished the exit ramp of the parking garage drive through lane in February 2016 and the addition and completion of the new rental car facilities allowed for the demolition of the old rental car buildings throughout the spring. This is the area of the future parking structure and the south end of the new terminal. Additionally, the south area of the E Concourse has also been demolished to make way for construction of the new South Concourse.
Rental Car Facilities
Construction of the new rental car service facilities at SLC began in November 2014 and was completed in January 2016. The new buildings, currently in use by rental car providers, include a centralized Quick Turn Around (QTA) facility and three rental service sites (RSS). The QTA washes, fuels, and stores vehicles, and the RSS buildings are used for light maintenance and house administrative offices.
These facilities include 25,000 tons of asphalt paving that were delivered in 1,667 truck loads, 170 miles (900,000 linear feet) of electrical wiring and 19,000 cubic yards of concrete. The four facilities total 502,000 square feet. Completing these facilities marked a major milestone for The New SLC.