Operating Requirements
Those wishing to provide ground transportation in Salt Lake City must complete the following steps:
- Register the company name with the Utah State Department of Commerce.
- Secure a Salt Lake City Business License for providing Ground Transportation Service, as required by Salt Lake City Code Sections 5.02 and 5.04.
- Read and become familiar with the Ground Transportation Ordinances in Salt Lake City Code Sections 5.71, 5.72, and 16.50. All provisions of the Salt Lake City Code for Title 5 and 16 can be found here.
- Read and become familiar with the Salt Lake City International Airport Rules and Regulations regarding ground transportation.
- Operators (Drivers) are required to obtain a Airport Badge. Please visit the "Get A Badge" page for information.
- Register the company with the Salt Lake City Department of Airports Ground Transportation Administration Office. The following will be required to complete the registration process:
Vehicle Insurance must be emailed or faxed to the Ground Transportation office by your insurance company or agent before scheduling an appointment. Insurance documents may be emailed to SLCAirportGT@slc.gov or faxed to 801-908-7220. The following insurance form and amounts are required:
- Certificate of Liability for Insurance (Also called the Acord Form): Vehicles with a seating capacity 1-15 passengers must have a minimum automobile liability insurance amount of $1.5 million. Vehicles with a passenger seating capacity of 16 or above must have a minimum automobile liability insurance amount of $5 million.
Read through this Ground Transportation Insurance Checklist, and complete or provide the following.
- Complete a Ground Transportation Registration Form.
- Provide proof a current Utah State Safety Inspection.
- Provide proof of State registration and licensing.
Read through this New Company Checklist for further assistance.