Bike Path

If you currently have an airport-issued ID badge, you do not need a separate badge for access to the bike path. Contact the Access Control/ID Badging Office to have the bike path gates added to your existing badge.


South Perimeter Path (Bike Path) Access Cards 

These access cards are issued to individuals who want to use the south perimeter path that crosses airport property.

Step 1: Application 

  1. Download and print the application
  2. Complete Sections 1, 3, and 4 of the application


Step 2: Background Check / Identification Documents 

This card requires a TSA security threat assessment. This must be completed before the access card can be issued.

A warrants check will also be conducted. If you have any outstanding warrants, they must be resolved before the access card can be issued.

You must provide identification documents that show proof of identity and eligibility to work in the United States. (Refer to the List of Acceptable Documents)

  1. Submit your signed application to the Access Control/ID Badging Office.
  2. Make sure you bring  2 forms of identification with you. 
    You must bring the originals and one copy of the ID documents.
  3. There is a $15.00 charge for the access card.
  4. When your security threat assessment has been completed, your name will be posted to the website. You are responsible for checking for cleared results. Allow 5 to 14 days for clearance. If your results have not cleared after 14 days, contact the Badging Office for assistance.


Step 3: Access Card Issue 

  1. After receiving approval on your background check, you may go to the Access Control/ID Badging Office to obtain your access card.
  2. Make sure you bring photo ID with you.

Your access card must be issued within 30 days of your background check approval.