Miscellaneous Forms

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Forms may be filled out and printed. An original signature is required on the form.

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Access Level Request:
This form must be completed to change access to specific doors and/or gates for an individual or work group.

SIDA Access Request:
This form must be completed on company letterhead and submitted to the Access Control/ID Badging Office whenever SIDA access is requested, either for a new badge or to upgrade an existing Sterile Area Only badge.

Badge Deactivation Request:
This form must be completed and submitted to the Access Control/ID Badging Office immediately upon change of badge status (lost, stolen, terminated, resignation, or administrative deactivation). Additionally, the badge must be returned with 24 hour of deactivation (unless lost/stolen).

Badge Reactivation Request:
This form must be completed and submitted to the Access Control/ID Badging Office to request reactivation of a disabled or suspended badge.

Employee Request for CHRC/STA Results:
This form may be used to request that your background check results be transferred to and from Salt Lake City and another airport.

Ground Transportation Vehicle Operator Certificate Checklist:
Each ground transportation driver must apply for a Vehicle Operator’s Certificate (VOC) badge.  This checklist outlines for the procedures for obtaining the required badge.

Key and Lock Work Order Form:
This form is used to request new or duplicate keys or to have locks changed.  The form must be signed by an authorized signer of the company.  

Request for Interpreter:
Individuals who require language assistance during training courses may use an interpreter.  This form must be completed by a company authorized signer to designate the use of an interpreter.

Sterile Area Pass Request Form:
This form is used to request a pass for a non-badged individual who requires access to the sterile area.  The pass must be presented to the document checker at the passenger screening checkpoint, along with photo identification, to gain access.

Additional Company Access Request Form:
This form may be used to request secondary sponsor company access to an existing sub-contractor or vendor badge.