Company Requirements

Companies requesting to conduct business at the airport must register with the Salt Lake City Department of Airports.

You may not start the badging process until the proper contracts and insurance are in place.


For those companies who are currently registered with the Department of Airports and wish to sponsor another company, please select and complete the Sponsorship Letter.   (CONTRACTORS PLEASE CLICK HERE)

Once your letter is complete, please print on company letterhead and fax your letter to 801-575-2377, or scan and email your letter to

Sponsorship Extension

For all companies who wish to extend their sponsorship please select and complete the Sponsorship Extension Letter.

Once your letter is complete, please print on company letterhead and fax your letter to 801-575-2377, or scan and email your letter to

New Companies

For new companies who wish to conduct business with the Department of Airports and are not going to be sponsored, please select and complete the New Company Letter.   (CONTRACTORS PLEASE CLICK HERE)

Once your letter is complete, please print on company letterhead and fax your letter to 801-575-2377, or scan and email your letter to

Badging Steps

The following steps are required to receive airport identification badges.

  1. Complete badge request letter
  2. Submit certificate of insurance to email below. (GROUND TRANSPORTATION CLICK HERE).
  3. Complete all lease/contract agreements with Real Estate & Commercial Development Division
  4. Complete fingerprinting and the STA process
  5. Complete required training

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact the following individuals with questions and or concerns:

Insurance Requirements:
(801) 575-2489
Leasing/Contract Requirements:
Badging Requirements:
(801) 575-2423
Authorized Signer Information:   Each company must designate individuals who are authorized to sign for airport identification badges and keys.  These individuals are also the contact point for badging and security-related information. For additional information on authorized signer requirements, click here