default delta

Lost & Found

Items found in the public areas of the airport - including the security checkpoints - are taken to the Airport Lost & Found located on the third level of the terminal in the office area of the Salt Lake City Department of Airports administration.

The Lost & Found office is open for business from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (MT), Monday - Friday; closed for all City-observed holidays.


Please note, when filing a claim, the picture posted on our website may look like your item but may not match your item exactly. Claims are matched up with items based on the information provided in the claim and the information we have on the item.

As per City ordinances relating to lost and abandoned property, the City and airport presents notice that items will be disposed of, auctioned, or donated unless a proper claim is made by the owner on or before the 30th day of possession by the airport. Notice of disposition by public notice will take place after the expiration of thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the property. The property shall be held by the airport and not disposed of for a minimum of eight (8) calendar days, after the date of posting and publication of the notice.

The following items will be held until the end of the business day and then discarded due to health and safety reasons: food items and containers, drink containers, neck pillows, and any soiled clothing items.

Contact your airline regarding items lost onboard an aircraft or lost luggage.